Labelbox•November 26, 2019
Labelbox November Updates

November highlights from the Labelbox team
It's almost Thanksgiving in the United States and we'd love to sneak in some announcements for the month of November to update the Labelbox community.
Product Updates
New label editor

You may have noticed updates to the "Images (segmentation)" label editor (for new customers this is called "Image editor" in Labelbox). We're in the process of providing a much more robust label editor that allows us to build deeper and more powerful analytics capabilities and AI-assisted labeling features for our customers. Stay tuned for more details in a later post about this transition to a new, more powerful labeling interface. In the meantime, existing Labelbox customers still have access to the "Images (object detection)" label editor, our legacy label editor, while we continue work on improving and expanding this new label editor.
Copy & paste objects

Working with multiple objects in an asset is now easier with copy and paste. You're now able to copy and paste bounding boxes, points, and lines within the "Images (segmentation)" label editor. Simply copy... and paste. Dun.
Other news
GDPR Compliance

We're proud to announce Labelbox is now GDPR compliant. We're working hard to ensure that we meet internationally accepted norms for data privacy and security. Stay tuned for future announcements.
Building the Labelbox team

We did a post at the beginning of November that introduced some of the new Labelbox team members. If you're curious about the origin story of Labelbox and some of the areas we're investing in today, click here to read the full post.