
DeepPCB: Printed circuit board (PCB) defect dataset

Contributors: Sanli Tang, Fan He, Xiaolin Huang, Jie Yang
Datarows: 221

The DeepPCB dataset contains 1,500 image pairs, each of which consists of a defect-free template image and an aligned tested image with annotations including positions of 6 most common types of PCB defects: open, short, mousebite, spur, pin hole and spurious copper.

All the images in this dataset are obtained from a linear scan CCD in resolution around 48 pixels per 1 millimetre. The defect-free template images are manually checked and cleaned from sampled images in the above manner. The original size of the template and tested image is around 16k x 16k pixels. Then they are cropped into many sub-images with size of 640 x 640 and aligned through template matching techniques. Next, a threshold is carefully selected to employ binarization to avoid illumination disturbance. Learn more about this dataset here.

Related article: Online PCB Defect Detector On A New PCB Defect Dataset (Tang et al.)

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