
Content moderation

To address the safety, regulatory, and operational needs of enterprises, human-based content moderation is not sufficient at scaling to address all the potential risks and liabilities. Leading enterprises are creating better user experiences, lowering moderation costs, and decreasing brand risk through the AI-based content moderation for filtering large and complex volumes of user-generated content (UGC). The benefit is that enterprises can reclaim over 90%+ of the time spent moderating content manually while protecting your valuable users.
Content moderation

“We see strong benefits to having a central data engine. Specifically, we’ve seen a substantial time savings, up to 40% in speed of annotations, as well as a huge increase in the quality of annotations. We’ve had a large reduction in the back and forth we’ve had to do when it comes to ensuring data quality for our ads and personalization models."

Hong Noh,

Sr. Product Manager


Powering next generation AI products like AI-based content moderation from leading enterprises

Accelerate content moderation with AI

Accelerate content moderation with AI

Enterprises that require scalable AI-based content moderation are optimizing their costs by implementing computer vision solutions that monitor and generate alerts. Labelbox empowers AI teams to build these solutions that combine data curation, AI-assisted labeling, and model training integration & diagnostics, all in one platform.

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Make content moderation manageable through automation

Make content moderation manageable through automation

Rather than manually sifting through, identifying and labeling hundreds of thousands of examples, preserve your time for triaging issues that require human review. Use Labelbox’s model assisted labeling to rapidly turn model predictions into new, auto-labeled training data for powerful perfecting your generative AI use cases.

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Manage multiple formats in a platform that scales with you

Manage multiple formats in a platform that scales with you

Digital content takes shape in multiple data formats — text, image, video, and audio. No matter where your data is hosted, Labelbox lets you visualize all of your diverse data formats and metadata in one user-friendly catalog. You’ll be empowered to identify trends and search your catalog for data with similar characteristics.

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Account for nuances with nested classifications

Account for nuances with nested classifications

Generative AI applications are tasked with identifying and generating high-volumes of content that meet the creativity of your end users. Labelbox supports nuanced nested classification techniques to properly identify and create the right ontology within your platform’s needs and key pain points.

Get on-demand data labeling services and operations expertise

Get on-demand data labeling services and operations expertise

Whether your AI team requires operations setup, training, or data labelers experienced for content moderation in your industry, Labelbox is ready to give your team the expertise you need that meets your requirements.

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