
Chat applications

Service-based industries in healthcare, retail, hospitality and others leverage AI using virtual assistants and chatbots to create meaningful consumer experiences while saving time and resources. Empowering these human-machine interactions requires sufficient training data that reflects the variability within human linguistics. Labelbox empowers teams to leverage LLMs faster for building powerful and engaging chatbots.
Chat applications

Powering next generation AI chatbots AI from leading enterprises

Deliver cutting-edge chat applications

Deliver cutting-edge chat applications

With the advancement of LLMs, customers and consumers will increasingly rely upon tools like virtual assistants and chatbots to obtain relevant and rapid customer service feedback.

Leveraging chatbot AI systems allows enterprises to automate customer service while prioritizing human interactions where actually deemed necessary and where they create the most value.

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Understand all of the speech and text data you have available

Understand all of the speech and text data you have available

To serve all customers, enterprises using conversational AI systems need sufficient training data of diverse human speech patterns so models learn to recognize variable speech patterns, multiple languages, and even textual complexities in human language that impact semantic synthesis – such as abbreviations and acronyms.

Labelbox empowers AI teams to build these solutions with powerful and intuitive labeling tools for many types of images and videos. By accessing a visual catalog showing all available training data and querying with similarity search, AI teams can rapidly take stock of all the conversational data assets they have, identify trends and triage areas where more data is needed to serve their customers.

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Build secure conversational AI with quality control

Build secure conversational AI with quality control

Enterprises need reliable conversational AI models that account for safety measures in order to prevent revealing sensitive information to incorrect users. Failures of conversational AI to address these concerns not only results in privacy violations with catastrophic consequences but also destroys public trust in conversational AI communication technologies.

Labelbox's text editor provides an intuitive Named Entity recognition (NER) and text classification labeling system. The NLP product supports labeling overlapping entities, nested classifications, label analytics, automation, and quality control, and more.

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Get on-demand data labeling services and operations expertise

Get on-demand data labeling services and operations expertise

Whether your AI team requires operations setup, training, or data labelers experienced with chatbots and LLMs in your industry, Labelbox is ready to give your team the expertise you need that meets your requirements.

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